Treatment for Diastasis Integrated Core Rehabilitation
Postpartum Core Rehab Class

Postpartum Core Rehab Class

You have had a baby and you are ready to start exercising again.  Help your body to heal and recover from your pregnancy while making your core stronger. 

Our Postpartum Core Rehab Class will begin on January 13, 2018 and continue for 5 weeks until February 10, 2018.  It will be held at OHMmother Yoga studio, 1110 N. Main Street in Algonquin, Illinois.

Many women get cleared to begin working out again by their doctors six weeks after giving birth, but most don’t understand the extent of what their bodies have been through during pregnancy and birth. During the class you will learn how to find and strengthen your true core and pelvic floor. The knowledge you gain from the Core Rehab class won’t just help you as you begin to exercise again, it will change the way you think and feel about your body.

Pre-registration is required.   If you miss a class you will have the opportunity to make up the class the next time a series runs.  (Example:  If you miss Week 3 of your series, you can attend Week 3 of the next series.)   Only $90 for all 5 classes.

Click Here to sign up.